Nolan’s Farm Fresh Eggs


Ever since I was young, I had wanted chickens. My father was a military policeman, so we moved all over Canada and lived in townhouses, so keeping chickens was not a feasible option. When I turned 10 in 2014, my father retired after 26 years of service, and we bought a small hobby farm outside of Stittsville. In July of 2014, I ordered my first 11 chicks. Those 11 chicks started my love for raising chickens, and those 11 chicks have turned into a flock of 100 birds.

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Nolan’s Chickens live pretty luxurious lives. Completely Free Range, they enjoy a mix of feed, fresh fruit & veggies, and bugs they find, and are kept safe by their best friend, Lily the dog. These are the freshest eggs you can get in the Ottawa Valley.