Welcome to the Boonies

Bell Family Farm - Stittsville, Ontario

Our Story
My family was military so we moved all over the country. Back in 2014, my dad retired after 26 years as a military policeman. We decided to move to a farm. At our old house, I made money by delivering flyers. Flyers would not be a viable option as other houses are too far away. Because of this, I started researching alternative options. I started researching chickens. I loved the idea of them because you didn’t have to butcher them to collect payment, and I also think they’re cute. In July of 2014, when I was 10 years old, I ordered my first 11 chickens. Shortly after, I picked them up. The barn on our property was not ready because we had moved in a month before, so we kept them in our bathtub with a heatlamp, food, water and bedding. Before long, we prepared the barn and moved them into it as soon as they were big enough. I sold them to people at my dad’s work until April 2015. I decided I needed better marketing and accessibility, so I bought a website. My brother had done some mini-enrichment courses with HTML so I got him to make the first revision of the website. Shortly after, I began learning HTML, JavaScript and C++. I started updating the website, and I have since made several re-writes. On June 12, 2015, I bought 30 more chickens, bringing my numbers up to 41 chickens. Over the winter of 2015, I lost a few chickens to the weather, heart attacks or other things. (I’m not a big fan of performing autopsys on chickens, so I’m unsure of definate causes) In the summer of 2016, I have brought up numbers to 70 chickens through the purchase of more chicks and giving kindergarden classrooms fertilized eggs. My immidiate family, grandparents and I have made improvements to the chicken coop such as adding more roosts, making nesting boxes for cleaner eggs and less breakage, and providing my chickens with toys we design. My chickens are free to wander around 12 acres of my family’s property. These chickens are treated very well, as they are my pets! In the spring of 2017, I lost a few chickens to predators. I was down on eggs numbers, from the chickens not laying due to stress. I would sit out by the barn and watch them, entertaining myself by playing an instrument. Usually accordion or harmonica, but sometimes mandolin, violin, guitar, banjo or a Merlin. When the school year was coming near, I had to find a solution, which is Lily, our livestock guardian.
What's on the menu?

Nolan's Eggs

Nolan’s chickens live a life of luxury. Full yard privileges, a private security force (consisting of 1 grumpy dog), and all leftover veggies the boys won’t eat. The result is the best eggs in the Ottawa Valley, for $7 a Dozen.

Graham's Honey

Graham’s Honey is the bee’s knees. Well, 40% Bees knees, at least until he filters them out before selling it to you.

Unpasteurized, 100% pure honey, yours for $18 a jar. Supplies don’t last long, so if you see it in stock hop on it, quick.

Mom's Veggies

Her boys won’t eat them, so she sells them to you. Maybe if she were growing Big Macs…

Available in both ripe, ready-to-eat and in baby plantlet form.

Farmyard Creations

Custom Pens

Custom pens made out of your choice of wood, finished in your choice of stain, with your choice in accent metal. Hand-turned on a lathe by one of the Bell Boys.

End-Grain Cutting Boards

Custom Cutting boards. You choose the wood, pattern, stain, and finish, and Papa Bell will slap it together over the weekend. They make a great gift for the charcuterie-loving Hipster in your family.

Stained Glass

It’s glass. It’s stained. It’s arranged in whatever pattern your little heart desires. Get in touch with us and see what we can do for you.

What else is going on?

Mom's Blog

Read what Mom’s got to say, and what the Family’s latest adventures are.

Shop Time with the Family

See what unique creations the family is whipping up this week.

Aidan's Websites & Videos

Our oldest decided he had had enough and departed for University in Toronto where he could pay way too much for a beer and ride the subway.

Contact Info

7321 Flewellyn Rd.
Stittsville, Ontario
K2S 1B6


Terms of Service & Refund Policy

Bell Family Farm